
Can Dogs Eat Dried Apricots? Know Before Risking It

If you are planning on giving your dog apricots as an occasional treat, it’s essential to approach it with care and consideration for your furry friend’s well-being. While apricots can offer certain health benefits to dogs, their consumption has potential risks. 

So, can dogs eat dried apricots

Yes, dogs can eat fresh apricots in moderation, but certain precautions need to be taken. Removing the stem and the hard stone inside the fruit is essential to avoid choking hazards. While apricots contain beneficial nutrients like vitamins A and C and fiber, they also have natural sugars that can be harmful in excessive amounts. 

How Can Dogs Eat Dried Apricots?

Apricots also contain amygdalin, a compound that can produce cyanide when metabolized. While the levels of amygdalin in apricots are generally low, it can harm dogs in large quantities. As each dog’s tolerance to fruits can vary, it is best to introduce apricots in small amounts.

Therefore, dogs can eat fresh apricots in moderation, removing the stem and the hard stone inside the fruit to avoid any potential choking hazards. If a dog has a history of health issues, it is safer to avoid feeding them apricots altogether. 

If you give your dog a small piece of dried apricot, ensure it’s free from added sugars, sweeteners, or preservatives. 




7 Potential Benefits Of Feeding Apricots To Dogs

Feeding apricots to dogs in moderation can offer some potential benefits. Here are seven potential benefits of feeding apricots to dogs:

  • Nutrient Content: Apricots are a good source of essential nutrients such as vitamins A and C, potassium, and dietary fiber, supporting overall health and well-being in dogs.
  • Antioxidants: Apricots contain antioxidants, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting the immune system.
  • Digestive Health: The fiber content in apricots can aid digestion and support a healthy gastrointestinal system in dogs.
  • Hydration: Apricots have a high water content, contributing to hydration, especially during hot weather or if your dog doesn’t drink enough water.
  • Eye Health: The vitamin A in apricots benefits eye health and may help maintain good vision in dogs.
  • Skin And Coat Health: Apricot nutrients can contribute to healthy dog skin and coat.
  • Tasty Treat: Many dogs enjoy the sweet taste of apricots as a special treat, providing an alternative to commercial dog treats.

How Many Apricots Can Dogs Eat?

The number of apricots a dog can safely eat depends on the individual dog’s size, age, and tolerance to the fruit. If your dog has never had apricots, start with a small amount and observe how they respond.

One or two small slices of apricot without the pit should be sufficient for small dogs. Larger dogs may be able to consume slightly more, but it’s essential to keep the portion size small.


Are Apricots Poisonous To Dogs?

Fresh apricots are not considered highly toxic to dogs but come with certain risks. As the levels of amygdalin in fresh apricots are generally low, a small amount of the fruit is unlikely to cause significant harm.

The main concerns with apricots in dogs are related to their pits and the potential for gastrointestinal upset because the pits inside apricots can be a choking hazard or cause intestinal blockages if ingested.

While fresh apricots can be given to dogs in moderation, removing the pit and feeding them in small portions is essential. However, some dogs may have individual sensitivities to certain fruits, including apricots, which can cause allergic reactions or digestive issues.


Can My Dog Eat Apricot Jam?

No, dogs should not eat apricot jam. Jam typically contains high amounts of sugar, preservatives, and artificial additives, which are not suitable for canine consumption. 

Furthermore, apricot jam may contain xylitol, a toxic sugar substitute for dogs. Xylitol can cause a sudden insulin release in a dog’s body, leading to dangerously low blood sugar levels and potentially life-threatening consequences.


Tips To Follow While Feeding Your Dog Apricots

If your dog is new to apricots, here are a few tips that will help you to introduce them to your furry buddy: 

  • Remove Pit: Apricot pits can pose a choking hazard and contain a small amount of cyanide-producing compounds that are toxic to dogs. Always take the time to remove the pit before offering apricots to your pet.
  • Start Small: Introduce apricots gradually, giving your dog a small piece. This allows you to observe for any adverse reactions, such as stomach upset or allergies, before offering more.
  • Feed Fresh, Ripe Apricots: Choose fresh and ripe apricots over dried or processed ones. Fresh apricots provide the most nutritional benefits without added preservatives or sugars that can harm dogs.
  • Limit Quantity: While apricots can be a healthy treat, they also contain natural sugars. Feed them in moderation to avoid potential digestive issues and excessive calorie intake.
  • Monitor Health: After giving your dog apricots, monitor their health closely for the next few hours. Stop feeding apricots immediately and consult your veterinarian if you notice any unusual behavior, vomiting, diarrhea, or other negative reactions.
  • Balance Diet: Remember that apricots should only be an occasional addition to your dog’s diet. Their main source of nutrition should come from balanced and specially formulated dog food.
  • Consult Vet: Always consult your veterinarian before introducing new foods, including apricots, into your dog’s diet. Your vet can offer personalized advice based on your dog’s health needs, ensuring their safety and well-being.


Signs Your Dog Has Had Too Much Apricot

If your dog has consumed too much apricot, s/he may exhibit signs of discomfort or digestive upset. Here are some common signs that your dog has had too much apricot or may be experiencing a negative reaction:

  • Vomiting: Excessive consumption of apricot can lead to vomiting as the body tries to expel the excess fruit.
  • Diarrhea: Apricots contain natural sugars and high fiber content, which can result in diarrhea if ingested in large quantities.
  • Lethargy: If your dog feels unwell from eating too much apricot, they may appear tired, weak, or lacking energy.
  • Abdominal Discomfort: Your dog may show discomfort, such as whining, restlessness, or a hunched posture due to gastrointestinal distress.
  • Loss Of Appetite: Consuming too much apricot can lead to a decreased appetite or complete loss of interest in food.
  • Excessive Thirst: The high sugar content in apricots may cause your dog to drink more water than usual.
  • Pacing Or Panting: Dogs may exhibit signs of restlessness, pacing, or panting if they are experiencing discomfort.
  • Changes In Stool: Apart from diarrhea, you may notice changes in the color, consistency, or frequency of your dog’s stool.


Frequently Asked Questions

What if my dog ate dried apricots?

Dried apricots are not toxic to dogs but are high in natural sugars and calories, which can lead to digestive issues if consumed in larger quantities. Keep an eye on your dog for the next 24 hours and watch for any signs of gastrointestinal upset. Contact your veterinarian for further guidance if your dog shows any unusual symptoms.


What dried fruits can dogs eat? 

While some dried fruits are safe for dogs in moderation, it’s crucial to be cautious as they are concentrated in natural sugars and calories. Suitable dried fruits for dogs include dried apples (without seeds), dried blueberries, and dried cranberries. These can be given as occasional treats. 


Are apricots healthy for dogs?

Apricots can be a healthy addition to a dog’s diet when offered in moderation and with certain precautions. Fresh apricots are a good source of essential vitamins A and C, supporting digestive health and boosting the immune system. 


Why can’t dogs eat dried fruit?

Dried fruits can pose risks to dogs and are generally not recommended in their diet. The drying process concentrates the natural sugars in fruits, making them high in calories and sugar content, which can lead to potential health issues such as diabetes or obesity in dogs.